Examination of the Opinions of the Students Participating in the \"Play Stops at Nothing\" Project About the Play\nDr. Nimet Haşıl Korkmaz\nABSTRACT\nThe \"Play Stops at Nothing\" project aims to develop disabled and abled children\'s sense of awareness about their city by having them participate in decision processes in urban settlement areas and form a capacity about designing urban areas according to disabled and abled children. Within the scope of the project, both training and practice works are done. The aim of the project is to get a playground where disabled and abled children can play together safely. In the project, 24 abled and 6 disabled students are given training. Within the scope of these trainings, of 30 students participating in the project, a total of 27 students, 22 abled and 5 disabled, were administered the questionnaire and the opinions of the students about the play were taken through the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview method. The questionnaires were evaluated by using the SPPS 16 package program and the percentage values were calculated. Moreover, in the study, of the qualitative research methods, the Semi-Structured Interview technique was employed. The data obtained from the individual interviews was analyzed through using the content analysis method (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2003). Within the scope of this analysis technique, the open coding was made, the interview texts were read line by line, and a code list was formed by the researcher within the scope of the research problem and within the conceptual scope of the study. \n• Related to the question \'How many hours a day do you spare to playing?\', 80% of the disabled students answered that \'they spared 3-4 hours\' and 50% of the abled students answered that \'they spared 0-2 hours\'. It was determined that 60% of the disabled students and 55% of the abled students played games with their families; 80% of the disabled students did not play games; 50% of the abled students played games during break times at school; 60% of the disabled students did not play games in the street; 55% of the abled students played games in the street. It was observed that 80% of the disabled and 59% of the abled students who participated in the study did not play in the playgrounds in their neighborhoods. As for the playing time of the students in the playgrounds, while a total of 80% of the disabled students considered that 2-3 hours of playing would be enough, namely 40% found 1-2 hours enough and 40% found 2-3 hours enough, a total of 82% of the abled students considered that 3-4 hours of playing would be enough , 41% found 2-3 hours enough and 41% found 3-4 hours enough. As a characteristic of this age group, it was determined that 80% of the disabled students and 55% of the abled students, who were at the period of sportive movements, did not have a sportsman\'s license. Thanks to the trainings given to the children in this project planned for the first time in the world with the aim of having both disabled and abled children design the playground where they would be able to play together, the children were made to acquire a sense of awareness both about their city and laying claim to their playing rights. Under the light of the data obtained in the study, it was determined that playing times of children should be expanded and playgrounds increasing their power of imagination are needed.