D\nate fruits are considered to be one of the most important fruits . Date fruits have the ability to heal and to treat human illness. Apart from its effective measures in preventing several diseases and as a cure for some issues like “when we have problems associated with aging and the risk of facing any disease that could destroy our immune system and makes us suffer”. This fruit helps a lot in protecting humans from magic and poisoning in many ways regardless of the source; for it significantly work to protect humans. Date\'s precious contents make it valuable to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes etc. In this article we discuss the benefits and traits of date fruit as a remedy for many diseases. In addition, date fruits have magical contents such as been a good source of antioxidants and phenolic compounds and the beneficial role of various minerals in treating some health issues. Therefore, this article is designed to give a clearer image of this Holy fruit and its benefits according to the Holy Quran “Therein will be fruits and dates and pomegranates- Surah AR-Rahman”. Noteworthily, when some fruits are mentioned in Holy Quran, it means that it has a good impact on our health. Also, some of the Hadiths that had mentioned by prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between blood metabolic profile \nand performance in Holstein cows. In total, 885 Holstein cows were used and classified into \nfour groups according to the lactation stages and milk yields, respectively. The cows were \nalso divided into five parity groups. Glucose concentration was lower in EL and ML. NEFA \nconcentration was higher in EL and DP. Concentrations of BUN and Mg were higher in EL \nand ML than in LL and DP. The lowest concentrations of AST and GGT were found in DP. \nThe highest concentrations of NEFA, albumin, and cholesterol were found in the > 40 kg/d \ngroup. The glucose, cholesterol, Mg, and IP concentrations of the P1 group were the highest \ncompared to those in the other parity groups. The total protein and globulin concentrations \nwere higher in higher parity groups (P4 and P5) than those in lower parity groups. Thus, the \npresent results indicate that blood profiles are recommended to diagnose the nutritional and \nhealth status according to the lactation stages of Holstein cows; however, milk yield and \nparity need to be considered along with the lactation stage for a more accurate diagnosis.
The present study was carried out to assess the effect of different doses of gamma radiations (05 Krad, 10 Krad, 15 Krad and 20 Krad) and to assess the effect of different salt concentration such as 50mM, 100mM and 150mM and the untreated group is kept as control, and also to determine optimum doses of gamma radiation for salinity tolerance in sunflower. For this purpose, each dose was provided with 3 different concentration of salts such as 50mM, 100mM and 150mM. Days to germination and germination percentage were significantly improved at 5 and 10 Krad compared to control but it was significantly delayed at all salt treatment levels as compared to control. 5 and 10 Krad of gamma radiations have improved days to germination and germination percentage at all salt treatment level as compared to the only salt stressed group. Days to flowering initiation were significantly improved at 5 and 10 Krad and maturation were significantly improved at all doses but both these parameters were significantly delayed at salt treatment level. All doses of gamma radiation have delayed days to flowering initiation and maturation at all salt treatment level as compared to the only salt stressed group except for 50 mM of 10 Krad. Plant height and number of leaves/plant, fresh and dry weight, root length, capitulum diameter and 1000 achenes weight were significantly improved at 5 and 10 Krad but it was non-significantly decreased at all salt treatment levels as compared to control. 5 and 10 Krad have improved plant height and the number of leaves/plant, capitulum diameter, 1000 achenes weight at all salt treatment levels and only 10Krad has improved fresh weight and Root length at 50 and 100 mM as compared to the only salt stressed group while rest of doses decreased it at all salt treatment levels. Chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll were significantly inhibited at all doses, and also at all salt treatment level. All doses improved chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll content as compared to the only salt stressed group. Carotenoid content was only improved at 20 Krad while all salt treatment level inhibited it. Almost at all doses, carotenoid content was improved by gamma radiations as compared to the only salt stressed group with some exceptions. Moisture and ash content were improved at all doses and salt treatment level as compared to control with exception of 150 mM. 5, 10 and 15 Krad have improved moisture content, while 10 and 15 Krad have improved ash content as compared to the only salt stressed group. Crude fibre, crude protein and crude fat were improved at 5, and 10 Krad while it was decreased at all salt treatment level. 5, 10 and 15 Krad have improved crude fibre at all salt treatment level, 5 and 10 Krad have improved crude protein content at all salt treatment level and 10 Krad have improved crude fat content at 100 and 150mM as compared to the only salt stressed group, while rest of the doses inhibited it.
The three-year study conducted in agro-ecological conditions of Western Serbia examined the yield and chemical properties of fruits of cultivars ’Duke’, ‘Reka’, ‘Nui’ and ‘Ozarkblu’, compared to the standard cultivar ‘Bluecrop’. The obtained results indicate that the highest yield was reached by the cultivar \'Reka\', whilst the lowest one was recorded in ‘Nui’. The highest content of soluble solids and total sugars was found in the fruits of ‘Ozarkblu’, whereas the lowest values of these parameters were registered in the fruits of ‘Nui’ cultivar. The ‘Ozarkblu’ cultivar had a significantly higher content of total acids in comparison with all examined cultivars. Although ‘Nui’ contained the lowest concentration of total acids, its fruits had the lowest pH value, which significantly differed from the standard cultivar. Fruits of all examined cultivars were highly rated during sensory evaluation. Nevertheless, they had a high content of anthocyanins.
The effect of gamma radiations on Pisum sativum L. was examined by\nexposing Pea seeds to gamma rays of 50, 100, 150, and 200Gy. Radiation doses\nshowed a significant effect on seed germination, plant yield, and genetic diversity.\nSeeds exposed to 200Gy took maximum days to germination with a significant\nreduction in germination percentage (15%) as compared to control (100%). The\ncontrol showed 100% germination while most of the plant died and only 15% (200\nGy) survived, thus showing the lowest seedling survival percentage, 150Gy plants\nwere the second-highest to show seedling survival percentage (80%), followed by\n50Gy (75%) and 100Gy (50%). Control took the least days to flower initiation and\nmaturation, fruit initiation and maturation followed by 50Gy, 100Gy, 150Gy with\ngradual increasing days’ count, 200Gy plants were the last to sprout. The tallest\nplants were of those 100Gy (76cm height), followed by 50Gy (68.66cm),\n150Gy(65.5cm), control (47.25cm), and 200Gy (height 37.5cm). No of pods/pot\nwere maximum in 50Gy (23pods/pot), followed by 150Gy (20pods/pot), 100Gy\n(14pods/pot), control (13pods/pot), while the least number of pods/pot were\nrecorded in 200Gy (5pods/pot). The longest roots were 150Gy (37.12cm), followed\nby 50Gy (29.21cm), 100Gy (22.2cm), control (20.775 cm), and 200Gy (19.8 cm).\nThis statistic shows that the highest plant yield was recorded in 50Gy and 100Gy as\ncompared to control while 200Gy had the lowest yield. The genomic profile\nrevealed that 50Gy and 200Gy exhibited 9% variation while 100Gy, control, and\n150Gy exhibited almost 25% variation. It concludes that gamma irradiations have\nsignificantly affected the genetic profile of the pea genotype